Older lady with cat

Transformational Stories

We celebrate the courage, determination, and resilience of our clients in their recovery journey. These stories capture their powerful, life-changing journeys as told through the eyes of our staff and clients.

Get to Know Us: Diane Tsai

Get to Know Us: Diane Tsai

Diane goes above and beyond to ensure that every employee is paid on time.   Diane Tsai, LOFT’s ...
Unwavering Support: Artnell’s Story

Unwavering Support: Artnell’s Story

LOFT’s John Gibson House is a supportive housing program for some of the most vulnerable adults in our community. ...
Comprehensive Health Care Support: Salomi’s Story

Comprehensive Health Care Support: Salomi’s Story

Salomi requires support to manage her health. She gets the help she needs at LOFT’s Crosslinks Seniors Housing and ...
Trans-Forming in Canada: Lula’s Story

Trans-Forming in Canada: Lula’s Story

Lula moved to Canada to escape LGBT2SQ+ discrimination. With the help of a caring Community Support Worker, Lula ...
Get to Know Us: Erika Davidson

Get to Know Us: Erika Davidson

Erika reveals the barriers her clients face when trying to access support services, particularly during the “new ...
A Dignified Life: Derven’s Story

A Dignified Life: Derven’s Story

LOFT’s John Gibson House provides a home and a community.   On the search for a better life, Derven ...
Get to Know Us: Auvil Orr

Get to Know Us: Auvil Orr

Extending love and compassion to the most vulnerable while denouncing anti-Black racism.   Auvil has ...
Coming Up for Air: Wura Aromolaran

Coming Up for Air: Wura Aromolaran

Human resources specialist Wura Aromolaran has worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to support LOFT’s ...
A Decade of Living with Dignity: Jeff’s Story

A Decade of Living with Dignity: Jeff’s Story

When we first met Jeff ten years ago, he was struggling. Chronic poverty, substance use and serious health issues ...
Get to Know Us: Nicole Downes

Get to Know Us: Nicole Downes

The Coordinator of LOFT’s White Squirrel Way program advocates for clients who face discrimination and speaks to ...
Get to Know Us: Tasha Castagnier

Get to Know Us: Tasha Castagnier

The director of LOFT’s 416 Support for Women program, Tasha shares her passion for professional development and ...
Finding her voice through gardening: Patricia’s Story

Finding her voice through gardening: Patricia’s Story

Struggling with mental and physical health challenges for years, Patricia found a welcoming community at LOFT’s ...