Older lady with cat

Transformational Stories

We celebrate the courage, determination, and resilience of our clients in their recovery journey. These stories capture their powerful, life-changing journeys as told through the eyes of our staff and clients.

Get to Know Us: Linda Sung

Get to Know Us: Linda Sung

Providing recreational activities to the most vulnerable in our community as they achieve recovery and ...
Get to Know Us: Berhane Alemu

Get to Know Us: Berhane Alemu

Berhane Alemu has a long-standing passion for community social work. When he was in school, he pushed for a ...
Creative and Community-Based Recovery: Jacques’ Story

Creative and Community-Based Recovery: Jacques’ Story

After struggling with substance abuse for most of his life, Jacques uses his creative side and the help of a ...
Get to Know Us: Lucy Caceres

Get to Know Us: Lucy Caceres

In a workshop early in her career, Lucy Caceres was asked to put herself in her clients’ shoes. The exercise ...
Finding a welcoming place to live: Phillip’s Story

Finding a welcoming place to live: Phillip’s Story

Phillip once worked with the Toronto police force and lived in his own condo.  Initially thought to be ...
Get to Know Us: Karina Santos

Get to Know Us: Karina Santos

Karina didn’t choose LOFT. LOFT chose her. That’s how she describes the beginning of her experience as a ...
Get to Know Us: Jewels Ali

Get to Know Us: Jewels Ali

Jewels’ journey as a Psychogeriatric Case Manager with LOFT started when he was still a student at George Brown ...
Home (and a Hot Meal) for the Holidays

Home (and a Hot Meal) for the Holidays

Part of LOFT’s mission is to offer our clients unwavering support and hope, no matter what challenges come our ...
Get to Know Us: Kaitlin Bick

Get to Know Us: Kaitlin Bick

LOFT’s Transitional Age Youth (TAY) program offers a support group for survivors of human trafficking. This ...
Recovering from PTSD and Building Confidence: Jason’s Story

Recovering from PTSD and Building Confidence: Jason’s Story

Precarious conditions and toxic work environments can certainly affect one’s mental health. That’s what happened ...
Making Personal Sacrifices for Our Clients: LOFT’s Rhonda Sloane

Making Personal Sacrifices for Our Clients: LOFT’s Rhonda Sloane

COVID-19 has changed everything for Rhonda Sloane and others on LOFT’s Behavioural Support Transition Resource ...
Support through the pandemic: Dan’s Story

Support through the pandemic: Dan’s Story

With his cat, TK, underfoot, and the time and space to focus on his art and talk with friends on the phone, Dan is ...