Older lady with cat

Transformational Stories

We celebrate the courage, determination, and resilience of our clients in their recovery journey. These stories capture their powerful, life-changing journeys as told through the eyes of our staff and clients.

Get to Know Us: Dejan Micic

Get to Know Us: Dejan Micic

A dog lover, Dejan didn’t hesitate to help when a client – and Yoda – needed a hand. Dejan is a Team ...
Youth Giving Back: Growing goodness, harvesting hope

Youth Giving Back: Growing goodness, harvesting hope

Ruby ripe heirloom tomatoes, crisp zucchini, leafy kale, wholesome peas and fresh garlic! The vulnerable seniors ...
Raising the Roof: A Spotlight on the Harold E. Ballard Foundation

Raising the Roof: A Spotlight on the Harold E. Ballard Foundation

Helping ensure that at-risk youth, adults and seniors have a safe roof over their heads.   For over ...
Respectful and Dignified Mental Health Care: Dave’s Story

Respectful and Dignified Mental Health Care: Dave’s Story

With LOFT for over 20 years, Dave had some bad experiences with the mental health care system before finding a ...
Get to Know Us: Nadia Cruceru

Get to Know Us: Nadia Cruceru

Part of LOFT’s Property Services department, Nadia provides clients with a safe and comfortable place to ...
Get to Know Us: Paige Mazzuca

Get to Know Us: Paige Mazzuca

Paige made personal sacrifices, so she could continue serving clients during the pandemic.   Paige ...
The Power of Green Energy: A Spotlight on Modern Niagara

The Power of Green Energy: A Spotlight on Modern Niagara

Modern Niagara’s Energy Solutions team helped LOFT reduce its carbon emission and utility ...
Decades of Faithful Support: A Spotlight on the Anglican Diocese of Toronto’s FaithWorks Program

Decades of Faithful Support: A Spotlight on the Anglican Diocese of Toronto’s FaithWorks Program

The FaithWorks Allocations Committee (FWAC) and the Diocese of Toronto have been helping us offer an independent ...
Get to Know Us: Chinwe Onwubolu

Get to Know Us: Chinwe Onwubolu

Wearing different hats as part of the backbone to LOFT’s work.   Chinwe has been the Executive ...
Get to Know Us: Mary Ann Proulx

Get to Know Us: Mary Ann Proulx

LOFT’s Crosslinks Street Outreach Van Coordinator, Mary Ann finds joy in building relationships and sharing her ...