Older lady with cat

One-on-One Services

Empowering our clients to live successfully in their communities

One-on-one services provide individualized support. No matter where our clients are on their recovery journeys, these tailored programs are available to help them live successfully in their community.

Access Our Services

Our services can be accessed through a referral system, based on location. If you are in Toronto or York Region, apply using the buttons below. The application form is available online or on paper. Our Simcoe/Muskoka Region services are available by referral only through our hospital and shelter partners.

For our Behavioural Support Services and Integrated Psychogeriatric Outreach (IPOP) programs, we invite you to contact our BSO Central Access at 1-844-798-6920 to learn more and begin the referral process.


We advocate for our clients, help them navigate the health and social service systems, and are there in times of crisis. Our Case Managers connect clients with the services they need to become healthier, happier, and as independent as possible. Our team calls upon a variety of resources, including medical, financial, emotional, and social supports.

Toronto, York Region, Simcoe/Muskoka

Seniors, Youth, Adults

Peer Support

Peer Support Workers are former LOFT clients, with lived experience of mental health, addictions, and recovery, who provide a unique type of support to our current clients. Peer Support Workers do a range of activities, including the facilitation of weekly group workshops, community support, and one-on-one support.



Behavioural Support Services

When older adults experience behaviour changes due to dementia, mental illness, substance use, or other factors, it can be challenging for the individual and their caregivers. We help families and caregivers learn strategies for dealing with behavioural challenges and provide referrals to services. Our Behaviour Support Transition Resource (BSTR) Team helps at-risk seniors transition from hospital to their next care destination.

Toronto, York Region, Simcoe/Muskoka

Seniors, Adults


Through our Integrated Psychogeriatric Outreach Program (IPOP), our mobile team of healthcare practitioners provides psychiatric assessments specific to seniors needs, treatment planning, and education support to help seniors with mental illness and/or dementia-related challenges continue living independently in the community. In cases where our clients are home-bound, we use technology so they can receive treatment and healthcare visits from home.

York Region, Simcoe/Muskoka

Seniors, Adults

Transition from Hospital (ALC)

With the goal of freeing up much needed hospital beds, we offer specialized housing and supports to help adults and seniors safely and successfully return to living in the community. Designated as an “alternative level of care” by the hospital, these clients no longer need the acute care of a hospital, but were unable to be discharged because they have no appropriate caregiver support or appropriate housing. They may have been homeless prior to entering hospital or lost their housing while hospitalized. Our intensive, individualized support services enable seniors to thrive as they re-enter the community.

Toronto, York Region, Simcoe/Muskoka

Seniors, Adults

Other Support Services