Older lady with cat

Transformational Stories

We celebrate the courage, determination, and resilience of our clients in their recovery journey. These stories capture their powerful, life-changing journeys as told through the eyes of our staff and clients.

Bringing Hope in Four Wheels: A Spotlight on the Unionville Presbyterian Community Church

Bringing Hope in Four Wheels: A Spotlight on the Unionville Presbyterian Community Church

A long-term supporter, the Unionville Presbyterian Community Church is always there to support our clients ...
Get to Know Us: Christopher Grondin

Get to Know Us: Christopher Grondin

This Pride Month, LOFT’s Community Support Worker Christopher Grondin shared what a day in his life looks like at ...
Diane Can’t Wait Until We’re Together

Diane Can’t Wait Until We’re Together

Striking a good work-life balance   After more than a year of working from home to help stop the ...
Get to Know Us: William Shin

Get to Know Us: William Shin

The Director of LOFT’s College View and Simon Supportive Housing Services discusses the important role ...
Get to Know Us: Cylene Rainville

Get to Know Us: Cylene Rainville

The director of LOFT’s Mental Health and Justice Initiative shares the challenges her clients face and the ways ...
Dignified Living at LOFT: Chris’ Story

Dignified Living at LOFT: Chris’ Story

Living with LOFT for several years, Chris appreciates not having to hide his life experience   Chris ...
Get to Know Us: Anish Alex, MSW RSW

Get to Know Us: Anish Alex, MSW RSW

A community organizer and advocate for his clients, Anish supports adults living with complex health care needs in ...
Get to Know Us: Lorna’s Story

Get to Know Us: Lorna’s Story

Lorna puts compassion first at LOFT’s Crosslinks Seniors Housing and Support Services - Shoreham ...
Get to Know Us: Allan Thayil-George

Get to Know Us: Allan Thayil-George

A community organizer and champion of mental health, LOFT’s Allan George helps clients live with dignity while ...
Living with multiple health challenges: Sharon’s Story

Living with multiple health challenges: Sharon’s Story

A mental health activist, Sharon receives support for her physical and mental health needs at LOFT’s Pelham Park ...
Get to Know Us: Crystabel Neilson

Get to Know Us: Crystabel Neilson

Crystabel uses her lived experience and advocacy to offer support to LGBT2SQ+ clients navigating mental health ...
The House That Joy Built: A Spotlight on Community Support

The House That Joy Built: A Spotlight on Community Support

For over 30 years, Dr. Heyding and Dr. Pritchard have been dedicating their time to vulnerable women at LOFT’s 416 ...