Christine’s Story: Finding a Home at Bradford House

Christine is a senior living at LOFT’s Bradford House. 

Before LOFT’s intervention, Christine spent most of her adult life in and out of hospitals, addressing complex physical and mental health concerns, including schizoaffective disorder, chronic pain, and arthritis. This combination of health concerns has caused instability in every aspect of her life, impacting her mobility and making it challenging to maintain stable housing, manage her finances, and participate in community activities. In her journey of navigating these concerns, Christine has experienced numerous hospitalizations and even attempts to end her life, as she felt a profound lack of concrete support, leaving her feeling helpless and hopeless. 

The turning point came when LOFT, in collaboration with Ontario Shores, entered Christine’s life in April 2023. Initially seeking mental health and behavioural support at Ontario Shores, Christine faced challenges in adapting to the institutionalized setting. After 120 days in Ontario Shores, LOFT’s partnership with Ontario Shores facilitated Christine’s move to Bradford House, marking the beginning of a transformative experience.

Complementing Ontario Shore’s psychiatric services, LOFT extended its support with a dedicated Case Manager and Personal Support Worker, establishing a comprehensive network of assistance. LOFT’s Case Managers ensure Christine’s access to vital services, while Personal Support Workers provide day-to-day support, assisting with managing medications, attending medical appointments, and providing personalized support with hygiene, meals, and cleaning. 

“For so long, I felt hopeless about my health and housing. I couldn’t access a suitable place to live, and because of my many physical and mental health concerns, I needed more help than what was available to me.” Christine said. 

Since making Bradford House her home, Christine’s life has undergone a remarkable transformation. No longer facing re-admissions to the hospital for immediate health concerns, she has experienced fewer behavioural reactions and feels empowered in navigating her mental health journey. Her newfound confidence has allowed her to blossom, forming meaningful connections with other residents and actively participating in community activities. 

Above all, Christine loves living at LOFT, thanks to the pleasant atmosphere. Christine shares, “I am over the moon excited to call Bradford House my home. I am blessed with amazing, caring staff and support that helps to ensure my needs are met daily.” 

The LOFT Approach:

At LOFT, our mission goes beyond providing mental health services. We collaborate with community agencies, hospitals, and long-term care homes to address a spectrum of challenges, ranging from mental health and dementia to addictions and complex medical concerns. Through personalized, holistic treatment plans, we strive to help individuals like Christine achieve optimal health and well-being while fostering connections within a supportive community.